How To Take Medical Marijuana

How To Take Medical Marijuana
Hawaii Marijuana Doctors | Call 808.551.9944


There are different ways to take your medical marijuana.  Your condition and your dosage needs will help determine which way is best for you.  The following is a guide to help you better understand the different ways to use medical marijuana.




Many patients are familiar with smoking marijuana and the intended medical effects will occur quickly via this method.  However, it’s difficult to get the correct dosage of marijuana this way since an unmeasured amount of smoke will escape without you consuming it.  There are also places where it isn’t legal to smoke, such as your car.




Vaping is similar to smoking and has the benefit of being healthier for your lungs.  Vaping uses steam instead of smoke to deliver the marijuana to your body and it isn’t as hot as smoke when it enters your lungs. Vaporizers also offer the benefit of better dosage control than smoking.


How To Take Medical Marijuana


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Consuming medical marijuana in food is an effective but slower method of administering the medicine to your body.  The marijuana has to be processed through your digestive system before you begin to feel the beneficial effects.  Consuming marijuana in this way tends to produce a long-lasting effect of the medicine.  It may not be so easy to manage your dosage using edibles however, so it’s best to start with less.




Tinctures are created by soaking medical marijuana in an alcohol solution until its active ingredients are absorbed by the alcohol.  Tinctures are administered by putting drops of the liquid under your tongue.  This has the benefit of being an inconspicuous way to take your medicine.



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If you have pain in a specific area, the topical application of marijuana is likely the best way to address it.  Marijuana topicals are typically creams or lotions that are infused with marijuana.  By applying these topicals to your area of pain, the pain-relieving ingredients are absorbed directly into your skin.  Topicals begin to block your pain quickly, without affecting other areas of your body.


If you have pain in a specific area, the topical application of marijuana is likely the best way to address it.  Marijuana topicals are typically creams or lotions that are infused with marijuana.  By applying these topicals to your area of pain, the pain relieving ingredients are absorbed directly into your skin.  Topicals begin to block your pain quickly, without affecting other areas of your body.



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