Marijuana Card In Hawaii

Need An Affordable Marijuana Card In Hawaii?
329 Cards Starting At $100 | Call 808.551.9944


Many people want to know what the process of How To Get A Marijuana Card In Hawaii, and how a “329 card” (or marijuana card) looks like in Hawaii.

Note: it used to be called a “blue card.”  Now, it’s called a “329 card.”  You will hear some people call it a “green card.”  But that technically is a work visa for a foreigner, not a marijuana card. However, many still use the term “green card” loosely to refer to medical marijuana.


marijuana cards in hawaii


329 Medical Marijuana Card In Hawaii
Starting At $100 | Call 808.551.9944


Anyways, about the process:

Here’s what you need to know.

1        Anyone can apply for a registry card on the official Hawaii state-run government website.

2        However, your application won’t go anywhere until a Provider signs off on it and submits it to the registry. You must be evaluated, and approved, by a Provider. The online application charge to the Hawaii registry is $38.50 and is non-refundable.

3        To do the online application at home, you must set up a login and password with the State of Hawaii’s registry website. There is no other way to apply besides online.

4       Things you need to complete the application: a) an email address to set up an account, b) a desktop computer, tablet, or smartphone (note, it’s very difficult on a smartphone), c) a photo of your ID card. What they want is a front-side-only picture of your identification. It can be a driver’s license or state ID from Hawaii or any US State. Passport is okay, but military ID is not.



Hawaii Marijuana Doctors
Get Your Medical Card Today | Call 808.551.9944


5         Take a photo of your ID and click ‘upload’ when the website tells you to upload your card. 

6          Note: again, military ID’s are not accepted, but you are allowed to use a passport or ID from another state.

7         Important: your name on the online application must *exactly* match the name on your ID card. The police are insisting on this, and the registry has been very strict about it. For example, if your ID card says “Sally Pineapple” and you write “Sally H Pineapple” on the application, it will be rejected by the registry, and your application could be delayed by up to a month. If your ID card says “Kalani Awapuhi Davis” and you put “Kalani A Davis”, the registry will send back your application. You will be able to fix it, but it will delay things by many weeks. This is the most common reason the registry sends back applications. If this happens to you, when you log into the registry portal to check the status of your application, it will say “returned to patient.” At that point, you can open it and edit it and re-submit it.

8         Once your online application is submitted, it goes to Dr. Kraemer for approval. Dr. Kraemer can then officially review it. 

9         The registry now allows patients to print their certificate right off of their own DOH website account. This allows patients to have multiple copies of their 329 card. 

Here’s what your card will look like. Name is on other side.


329 Marijuana Card


Our 329 Card Services in Hawaii

$100 for New Cards
$105 for 1 Year Renewals
$180 for Renewals (2 Year Card)


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