Oahu 329 Card Renewal Services

Affordable Oahu 329 Card Renewal Services

$180 for Renewals (2 Year Card) | Call 808.551.9944

Do you already have a 329 card and looking for an affordable doctor for renewals? Dr. Aure Kraemer has helped various patient get the holistic healing they need by talking with each patient about their current symptoms and issuing them their 329 card. Renewals are a lot easier than first time patients since most are already pre-approved by another doctor the year before. Dr. Aure Kraemer will then evaluate the previous ailment or symptoms then approve your 329 card. Dr. Aure has been an ideal choice for many within Hawaii because of our affordable 329 card renewal rates. Give us a call and book your appointment today to get started.


Oahu 329 Card Renewal Services


Need 329 Card Renewal Services in Hawaii?

Dr. Aure Kraemer, DNP, FNP-BC, APRN-Rx | Call 808.551.9944

Why pay more than you should when you can take advantage of our competitive rates on 329 card renewal services in Hawaii? We’ve become the popular choice very fast because many are trying to save money due to the current pandemic. Keep in mind the many benefits of medical marijuana such as assisting in backpain relief, insomnia, eating disorders, nerve disorders, seizures, arthritis, and cancer patients seeking stronger holistic pain relief. If you are someone who doesn’t work well with typical western medicine or over the counter remedies then consider taking a step into the holistic medical marijuana approach. In order to get started, you need to get your 329 card renewed so be sure to utilize our affordable 329 card renewal rates today.



Oahu 329 Card Renewal Services


Affordable Oahu 329 Card Renewal Services

329 Renewals Starting at $105 | Call 808.551.9944

See why so many in Hawaii consider us their #1 source for affordable Oahu 329 Card Renewal services. Our rates speak for itself hence why word has spread across the islands that yes, you can get your renewals for a better price. Stop paying more than you should and save your money by giving us a call today to schedule your next appointment. You won’t regret having a professional doctor by your side who can help diagnose your current ailments along with affordable 329 card renewal rates. We’re here to take your call anytime you need our assistance or have any questions regarding our services.


Our 329 Card Services in Hawaii

$100 for New Cards
$105 for 1 Year Renewals
$180 for Renewals (2 Year Card)


What Are The Benefits of Medical Marijuana? – Our Practice

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